Posted 11/19/2019 8:06 PM (GMT -5)
I never thought about how monolaurin may be killing so much it might require additional probiotic (I have been taking each day but will take more). That is a good idea.
saraeli - It seems monolaurin has been helping in some ways. I actually have several hours a day I enjoy, which seems small but is a big change. It seems monolaurin has made a difference in fatigue level, as I have not slept during the day or even wanted to for a few weeks. Also, the daily fever I have been getting for more than a year did not happen for about a week, then went up a little yesterday, but did not have it today.
Not sure as my EBV levels have not improved as of a week ago, but symptoms have. Also had two bands positive for Borrelia on western blot last week and positive for candidas albicans about two weeks ago or more. So it may be hitting all three, along with building immune system with cordyceps, reshi mushroom.
Have had symptoms of autoimmune, but I am building immune system anyway as I believe EBV is causing that. Building immune system in hopes of knocking out EBV and, of course, monolaurin is good also for Borrelia and candidas. Also seems, even though I had negative test result, Bartonella symptoms need to be addressed and hoping monolaurin and immune building will help there, also.