running wild said...
My primary care sent to an infectious disease doctor this week because of long-term high EBV results. The infectious doctor was very nice, but had no listening skills.
He asked about EBV tests and went over past tests. For enjoyment, I went ahead and mentioned I had tested CDC positive for Lyme Disease, at one point, and still had a positive IgG band 23 and 41. I hardly got the words out of my mouth before he said "You must have been treated because you are now negative." He also said band 23 can also be a number of other diseases. When I asked him which ones, he never answered. When I asked him why I have lost all my body fat, he started to ask if I had ever had an HIV test. Before he could finish, I said "6. Didn't rally need but one to be safe."
I immediately followed up with "What else can cause loss of body fat, other than HIV and Lyme?" He did not have an answer but said "we will just have to test for a large number of things." Nicely I said to him "You won't find anything because it is Lyme. Your final answer will be it is idiopathic. That means you don't know. And I will still have skin that has aged 20 years in the past 7 years or more.So why not consider Lyme?"
Keep in mind I was very nice when I said all to him. He then told me we are going to do a lot of tests and focus on EBV.
How many times have we all been through that or something similar? It's not even aggravating anymore - it's just a shame.
I need to go to a podiatrist about my foot because I believe I am developing two bunions. Don't know if that can be Lyme related, but I do know I won't mention Lyme. I'll just pay the doctor my $70 co-pay and hope he or she help with the pain.
I've gotten used to how it works,,, or doesn't.
I had the same problem like you, went to any infectologist and said that i had facial palsy for the first time of my life and it was one of the red flags from CDC for lyme, i said i was bitten also. He replied: you have to be on a weelchair to have Lyme...! I said: everything said from you, bye.
Most doctors are arrogant and with pride. They didnt learn how to be humble on college, they dont teach that.
Worst of all is that their pride kill people who keep getting underdiagnosed by them. They can be assasins everyday and when people die, they say: oh it was idiopathic, it was from his age, he was weak in health we could not do anything, he had heart issues.
Many people die this way because of doctors incompetence. Believe me, i have been there.