this is about
brain/anxiety balance. I dont agree with all of it though. Some yes. If you wake to total cluttered chaos, thats hard on the brain.
One past employer tried this when it got bought out by a big giant....."toss everything out of the invention lab you didnt use the last 6 months". We invented less after that since half our stuff was now gone. Company went downhill with losses from outside clueless management.
I always plan on decluttering the home in the winter, never goes as planned. Was thinking of this with holiday time.
Im guilty of "post it notes" all over. Just crumpled up a few. My brain feels better when I put reminders on post it notes. But then according to feng-shui, this adds to clutter.
Putting stuff away thats repeatedly used seems pointless..........but not according to feng-shui.
Need to pay that bill tomorrow?.....leave it out where I see it.
I don't no how immaculately organized people function without forgetting everything.
My apparent disorganization is actually organized, but its visually out in the
open. Everything does have its place.
Speaking of paper, I go thru ink cause I like real paper vs e-filing (which gets lost forever and hard to look up).
Thought of all this as I looked at the Suppliment row this AM. ya, thats a mess that I hope to make a skinny shelf for. The rest unused will be documented with "what and why" then goes into a paper health folder. So I say LOL.