Hi, HumanConclusion. I'm so sorry to hear that you have reached this very dark and difficult place. I have been there as well a few times, and I know it can be terribly hard to hang on. There were days that I did nothing but stare at the pillow whispering to myself, "Tomorrow will be better than today." Eventually it was.
I'm glad that you are posting. I'm glad that you have us to bear witness to what you are going through.
Your nerve issues sound really dramatic. I have to agree with orbiting that you should consider cutting your antimicrobial treatment back significantly or even entirely until your system can process and alleviate some of the inflammation causing these symptoms. (More than just A-Bart.) Are you taking curcumin or anything else for inflammation? Magnesium or Epsom salt baths? Are you taking anything for nervous system health, like perhaps lion's mane, burbur-pinella, Jernigan Neuro-Antitox? How about
CBD for nerve pain, or a nerve pain drug if necessary?
You should not be suffering like this. This is not a mild herx to push through. A herx of this magnitude can cause damage. I really strongly suggest you hold off on taking any of your antimicrobial treatments until some of this clears.
I had significant success with the limbic system retraining program DNRS. I have largely nervous system symptoms from the three Bs and EBV, and I had a 75% symptom reduction from a slacker-level adherence to the program after about
three weeks. (Full disclosure: I also started treating MCAS and ingesting more salt [for POTS] around that time, and had an old root canal tooth removed.) The app Curable also uses principles of mind-body medicine to combat nervous system dysfunction. These all can be used alongside antimicrobial treatment.
You keep saying your fiancé is a saint, and I'm sure she's lovely.
My partner is wonderful, too, and I have to work actively since I got sick not to feel just terrible about
how limiting my illness has been for my partner and child. I might be projecting a little, but don't let guilt creep into the mix of stuff you're already dealing with. You are a human being with the full value of any other, and you deserve care and compassion right now. Sure, it's absolutely hard on loved ones, too, but others in your fiancé's life can support her. It's okay to focus on yourself right now. Thank her, but make peace with accepting help.
Can you take a leave from work? In which country do you live?
Some days are brutal. Sometimes weeks or months can be brutal, too. Hang in there. Sending you healing vibes!