1. Yes
2. If you can get your doctor to order a Lyme Western blot showing ALL the bands and get a copy of the results, that would be a good place to start. Tell them about
the bites/rashes/symptoms that followed. Ask to be tested for tick borne diseases.
Even if the test comes back negative, you can still have multiple infections. Then you could test with a specialty lab like Igenex.
3. LLMD is your best bet. You can post looking for LLMD near (your area).
If you get tested, you can post your results here. We can help interpret them.
A Lyme literate or Functional MD will likely test for other things like viruses, chlamydia pneumonia, mycoplasma pneumonia, mold/mycotoxins, Candida, etc. People with chronic illness like Lyme often have multiple issues.
Post Edited (WalkingbyFaith) : 1/12/2020 9:01:55 AM (GMT-7)