Posted 12/22/2021 9:17 PM (GMT -5)
Hi, inhale/exhaleee, welcome! I'm really glad this is of help to you! I didn't mean for this to be my own personal thread, but it seems all-in Chinese Medicine is still a hidden gem.
I am 100% head-over-heals for CCM, embrace the Taoist medical philosophy, love TCM cooking, herbalism, acupressure, the role of emotion in each of the organ systems... incredibly fascinating. CCM is SO COMFORTING when things like COVID come along, and CCM says "we've had treatment for this disease pattern 1000 years ago." CCM for cancer and Lyme and autoimmunity, and infertility, and all kinds of scary things. I think a HUGE part of it is the reassurance when someone says "I know how to treat this" rather than "this is new, we don't know what causes this, we don't have drugs or treatment yet". Honestly, I think FEAR is 95% of the disease.
PATIENCE - YES. I often think that the biggest modality of true healing is TIME. Yolanda Hadid's book really expresses this well - she had all the money in the world to see the greatest Lyme doctors and had all the breakthrough treatments and it still took TIME. For her, as for me, it's not about changing your pathogen load... it's really about changing your life. It takes 63 days to build a new habit in the neural network, and 7 years to regenerate the cells. So... whatever you do, give it 7 years for permanent change, and celebrate ever tiny step along the way. I get impatient and stubborn and have the ups and downs like anyone else. Learning HOW TO GRIEVE is a big part of this journey.
Lyme, or any disease, is a HIGHLY PERSONAL JOURNEY. There IS NO CURE that works for everyone because the cure lies within each individual - their causes, their lifestyle, their purpose, their journey. And this is where media becomes tricky and you must be careful - you can get help and encouragement from the Lyme community, or any community, but when it paints a picture of what the journey SHOULD look like, or how you SHOULD live, or what you SHOULD do when you're healed, you can trap yourself in someone ELSE's journey and never find your own. Someone else's healing is NOT going to cure your Lyme. Only YOUR healing can do that.
Some people have serious dental infections, jawbone cavitations, bad root canals or implants poisoning their bodies. Those need to be addressed by a biological dentist - only keyword I can tell you to look for is one that will publicly state on their website that root canals and wisdom tooth extraction can be very dangerous and offer safe alternatives/therapies. I explored that route, turns out my mouth is healthy (for others, thought, its a major source of hidden disease)
Some people have brain injuries. Some people have missing organs. Some have chronic tonsillitis. Some have tumors. Some have birth "defects". Some have abusive relationships. Some have abominable relationships with themselves (trauma-induced shame). Some have addictions. Some (most, I'd say) have highly inflammatory dietary habits, or toxic environments. All these would warrant other modalities of treatment, or I would say remediation - CCM can still work as the medical paradigm in which to navigate these, but any given person in any given budget in any given city will need to find what resources work for THEM.
I truly believe that Lyme is NOT just about pathogens. Dr. Horowitz hits this well with the MSIDS model of other overlapping factors, but I think the huge piece he's missing, at least for me, is TRAUMA - emotional trauma getting stuck in the nervous system and causing disease. Gabor Mate has so many amazing talks about this, Peter Levine, Bessel van der Kolk, Caroline Myss, countless mind-body and neuroplasticity psychologists are coming out about this. Caroline Leaf, Jessica Maguire, Jean Cheng, Annie Hopper, Joe Dispenza... keep an eye on "The Wisdom of Trauma" and "HEAL" documentaries - AMAZING speakers and resources. Healing childhood trauma (C-PTSD) that I never even knew was traumatizing (I thought it was just normal life, but it was NOT) was THE BIGGEST FACTOR IN MY HEALING. And chronic illness itself is traumatic, and that NEEDS to be addressed at some point. Learning to FEEL how those emotions and beliefs were stuck in my physical body, learning to gently lead them out, understand, process, and love ALL of me... THIS is healing. Lyme - and most diseases - are diseases of inflammation and degeneration. And they take hold because the body's cells are overreactive, hypersensitive, and ripe for attack - because of the mental state influencing the biology. If this sounds like bunk, I'll just start with basic science: stress = inflammation = weak immune system. Connect the dots. You can look at this from a chemical standpoint if you have access to labs and drugs... I do not, so I prefer to study that which I can control: my mind, and my body... turns out, that actually changes gene expression and can heal disease!
I personally no longer have any faith in prescription drugs, and don't take anything OTC. This works for me because I'm highly sensitive to additives and chemicals, and everything I've taken since being blasted with abx has made me WORSE. But that's now a part of my belief system and mindset. If you don't have that much faith in CCM and you have no bad reactions to ibuprofen or AZO or benedryl or vaccines, or whatever, do what works for you - I don't recommend dying of a basic infection or COVID - it's the belief and fear/trust that matters most. You have to believe in what you're taking, and trust the feedback your body gives you afterward, good or bad, and adjust accordingly. At this point, I just might rather die of infection than live suffering adverse reactions - but that is where MY experience took me. I've been through some ****.
I do take vitamins and minerals as long as I can check the ingredients and source. I still have room to clean this up, but I haven't won the lottery yet, so I'm doing the best I can.
I did Autonomic Response Testing, which revealed parasites and mold (and no Lyme, Babs, or bart! True or not, those words did magic for a while!), but my DOM disagreed with the proposed treatment protocol, so I'm holding off changes for now.
I found a physical therapist who works myofascial/craniosacral/chiropractic, etc but is also highly informed about mind/body, and my physical work is minimal for now. I'm highly reactive, but its been a helpful part of treatment.
Sleep specialist, breathwork, massage, psychotherapy, EMDR, DNRS, exercise, yoga, EMF blocking... there are many treatments that aren't necessarily Chinese Medicine, but do not contradict the philosophy behind it. I'd be willing to try anything that doesn't violate the Wholeness of mind-body-spirit. Which I think really means, for me, that it's not the protocol or treatment that matters to me so much as the PRACTITIONER and how much they are willing to listen and understand my needs. I met docs who know little, but connect with me personally so much that I am healed by their mere presence... and very good knowledgeable docs who I would trust and admire, but they don't have time for me nor remember my name, so I leave.
The biggest factor in healing is YOU. YOU'RE the magic bullet. Once you believe that, you look for the things that will serve your own inner healing machine, and let go of the things that do not. It's a journey of finding these treasures along the way. It. Takes. TIME. Gratitude for the lessons along the way, seeing all the hardships and failures lead to something better, learning to love yourself and BE in the moment help pass the time. And maybe we just find that it's not a "sick" life and a "healed" life, its all just life, and the "sick" part is really important, so pay attention to the scenery. Lyme has shaped and defined the BEST parts of who I am today, I wouldn't trade it for anything... and I'm still cursing and fighting it like he77. Because it's HARD.
Do your own research. Use your own available resources. Do whatever is within your means. Rethink your means. Reconsider "good" and "bad". Explore "both and". It's all about balance in the midst of transformation (and it's ****ing HARD.)
Resources I like: Better Health Guy podcasts, Dr. Christian Gonzalez (insta/ podcast), Dietrich Klinghardt, Gabor Mate, HEAL documentary, The Wisdom of Trauma documentary, Blodgett Dental Care (on insta), Root Cause documentary, book: Healing with Whole Foods, book: "The Body Keeps the Score"