Cauliflower Queen said...
Thanks for your response. I am feeling better, although I still get stuck in the same pattern no matter what I seem to do - I increase the dose, feel pretty good about a day and a half, then herx, but try to keep going, then maybe back off a day and then feel good (my “back off” days continue to feel progressively better), then resume, still feel ok, then bam not so good, then back off....repeat... oh well sigh...
This sounds EXACTLY like what I experienced the first 10 months of treatment. I kept trying to increase doses and felt like I would take one step forward and two steps back all the way. I was determined to keep trying.
In the 10th month, I had a massive expulsion of some kind of pathogenic mess from my gut and had an extremely irritated GI tract for about
a week. I stopped all my herbs except knotweed during part of that time. When I restarted, I had to drop doses way back and take herbs only 2x day instead of 3x day. I felt relief after making those changes, because I had felt like I had been herxing most of the time since I had started and was tired of constant pain and misery.
After that, I stopped trying to increase doses and just kind of tried to stay consistent and comfortable. After a while, though, I felt I was declining. Turned out, I was being exposed to increasing levels of mold in the house. This was over a long period of time - a little over a year.
After identifying and getting away from mold again, stabilizing mast cells, and starting Rx antifungals to help my gut, I started trying to increase certain herbs again - mainly knotweed. I quickly went from 3/4 tsp to 1 tsp (powder) and increased tinctures by a few drops. I found I was able to tolerate higher doses of herbs with no problem.
I still have a lot of work to do regarding mold and my gut. I’ll get there. It’s taking me a long time because I haven’t been able to get in a clean enough environment. Hopefully, that will change soon. In the meantime, I keep taking what I have been taking.