Posted 2/10/2020 2:10 PM (GMT -5)
Lyme Disease, Congress & the New Science of Metagenomics
In July 2019, millions of ignored chronic Lyme Disease patients internationally scored a major victory. For the first time ever, US Congressmen - from both major parties - passed an amendment demanding the Pentagon come clean about its biowarfare research with ticks, and the relation to Lyme.(1)
The Congressmen's demand was very weakly worded. For example, it asked the Pentagon to investigate whether it had ever studied ticks as a vehicle for bioweapons. Though the Pentagon agreed to "investigate" this, to anyone with any knowledge of bioweapons history (or anyone with an internet connection and Google), such wording is farcical.
Ticks are very well known as a long-standing favourite of bioweapons developers , as they allow pathogens to be disseminated unnoticed in the target terrain.
That the US military (and other countries) conducted bioweapons research on ticks and tick-borne pathogens is absolutely beyond dispute, having been documented for decades in countless sources in the public domain. The Cairo-based US naval institute NAMRU-3, for example, devoted much of its Cold War work to tick-borne bioweapons. Tularaemia, deemed one of the world's most lethal biothreat agents, is tick-borne, as is the well-known bioweapon Q Fever. It's well-documented that both have been extensively studied by the US military.
So the question was absurd.
Nevertheless it was heartening to see the Lyme-biowarfare issue finally coming out in the open. The Congressmen were inspired by writings including Kris Newby's new book "Bitten".
Kris, the producer of the excellent documentary Under Our Skin, documents in her book how Dr. Willy Burgdorfer, the "discoverer" of the Lyme bacteria which bears his name, (Borrelia burgdorferi) , confessed that he was a bioweapons scientist who helped the US produce tick-borne biological WMD during the Cold War.
Burgdorfer later got infected accidentally himself, leading him to sometimes contradict official misinformation on the disease, as he began to suffer like the patients.
Eventually he died a few years ago of dementia.
When the House of Representatives voted to force the Pentagon to account for its biowar work with ticks and reveal whether it was responsible for the epidemic of Lyme Disease which has been spreading globally since the late 60s, the world's media covered the event. It was reported on CNN, Fox News, Sky, BBC, Newsweek and countless other mainstream media.(1)
What few people realise is that the investigation has now been dropped because the Senate voted to abandon the whole thing.
Stunningly, not a single media outlet seems to have reported this development. Why the "Code of Silence"? Is the Pentagon hoping the issue will just fade away?
I have been studying (and publishing articles on) the Lyme-biowarfare link for over 15 years. In 2012, I persuaded a leading member of the British parliament to ask our Government if Lyme was still being studied as a bioweapon at Porton Down. (2) Our government responded with an evasive and disingenuous denial.
Subsequently the politician who tabled the question met with biowarfaremen at Porton and asked us all to drop the issue, and co-operate with the military scientists who are covering up this terrible epidemic.
Porton is Britain's main biowarfare research centre. It's also where our country's Lyme diagnostic lab is located, though patients were told this was just because it was larger with better lab facilities than its previous location .
Our public health service, like the American one, has parroted the US military's Lyme misinformation at every turn , and sometimes surpassed it.The head of our Lyme lab was originally Dr Susan O'Connell, an expert in tickborne bioweapon Q Fever. Later it was taken over by another biowarfare scientist, Tim Brooks, at Porton..
The policies dictated by the US and other Nato military (often utilising civilian public health agencies to deliver the message) have condemned millions of chronic Lyme patients to lifelong suffering and , for some, death.
Doctors who dare to diagnose or treat outside of the military-dictated policies, and scientists who research chronic Lyme Disease as a persistent and mostly antibiotic-resistant infection have been subject to vicious persecution.
I am also aware that many have had data and microscope images on their computers destroyed, and even incriminating material planted on their devices..
And sometimes much worse happens to them.
I have had over 15 years of death threats, computer and phone hacking two attempts to have me imprisoned, and thousands of libellous messages put online about me, as a result of my refusal to keep silent about the Lyme-biowarfare issue.
The fact that researchers like Dr Alan MacDonald, using extremely accurate DNA-hybridisation techniques, have implicated the Lyme bacteria in cases of dementia, MS, psychiatric disease, fatal brain tumours (Glioblastoma multiforme) and stillbirth indicate just how serious the effects of this denial have been(3).
Researchers worldwide are beginning to realise (like Harvard professors Tanzi et al) that the amyloid hypothesis, which attributes Alzheimers to an aberrant protein in the brain, may well be flawed. Evidence points to amyloid playing a role in immune defense, and decades of anti-amyloid drug development with billions invested have led nowhere.
Instead, evidence implicating Borrelia and other microbes is growing .
Shockingly, MacDonald also found evidence that the Lyme bacteria exists as an endosymbiont inside parasitic worms infecting the brain. Inside the worm, it is protected both from the immune system and antibiotics.(3)
After displaying stunning micrographs implicating Lyme in major neurodegenerative diseases, Dr MacDonald suddenly became ill, was hospitalised and no longer does research.
A few days ago my phone (which, like every device I own, showed signs of hacking) was diverted against my will to a criminal website. I have lodged the evidence of this with numerous sources, as it may be yet another attempt to silence me by having me framed.
I usually write on the Lyme-biowarfare topic for the benefit of patients, clinicians and journalists. However, I would like to devote the next paragraph to those who are guilty of perverting public health, and deliberately covering up the true prevalence, severity, chronicity, resistance to standard antibiotic treatment, and indeed origin of the global Lyme Borreliosis epidemic.
I would like you to think about the fact that ALL medical coverups are eventually exposed.
From Tuskegee and the deliberate experimental vaginal infection of Guatemalan children with syphilis by US scientists, to the Common Cold Unit scandal here in Britain, and not forgetting the current, ongoing revelations re our government's shocking part in the death of haemophiliacs en masse from tainted Factor VIII) - all coverups are eventually exposed.
I know some of you will scoff at this. After all, a coverup that has been perpetuated since the late 60s won't fall overnight, right?Well, maybe.
And maybe not.
The young science of metagenomics[b/] will blow the coverup to smithereens.
Massive advances in DNA sequencing technology have led to the rise of metagenomics. In metagenomics, scientists study the TOTAL DNA present in a sample. It does not require the ability to culture micro-organisms. Most of the world's microbes are uncultivable in the lab.
These techniques can now be applied to ANY sample, from a sample of earth to a zebrafish's guts to a sample of human blood or CSF or autopsy brain tissue of humans who have died of dementia or glioma.
I would like you to think about just what that means.
Up till now, you have managed to maintain the coverup by intimidating Lyme doctors and researchers who deviate from the "Line".
But even with the Godlike powers to snoop revealed by Snowden in 2013, you cannot stop the juggernaut of progress of new sciences like Metagenomics.
Scientists who are NOT Lyme researchers, who are not looking for or even dreaming they would ever find the DNA of the Lyme bacteria (including its unpublished variants and Relapsing-Fever Borrelia-like incarnations) -will find it.
They will find it - by pure accident, even - while searching for something else.
What will you do when dementia researchers, studying human DNA mutations with metagenomic techniques, accidentally discover the DNA of Lyme and parasitic worms?
What will you do when cancer researchers, studying mutations in Glioma cells, find the DNA of Lyme and its accompanying parasitic worms?
Lyme doctors and researchers, investigative journalists and patient activists cannot stop you destroying our computers, hacking our accounts, and the many far worse things that you do to us.
But you will not be able to stop researchers from other disciplines, from the international scientific community, using the young science of Metagenomics to accidentally discover old buried secrets.
Think about it, please. Some of you are less guilty than others. Now is the right time to whistleblow..
Don't be on the wrong side of history.
Elena Cook @ElenaCookLD 10 Feb 2020 19:13 London time
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2-see Hansard (official UK parliament record ) 2012
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