Posted 3/21/2020 12:33 PM (GMT -5)
"Blakeleysmom" said: "Shasta, I’m very interested in these other treatments to get my daughter to remission. I want to make sure I understand. I get what you are saying about making sure we aren’t dealing with metals, or EMF issues, etc"
-- Sorry for late answer. I just meant that we were able to reach remission WITHOUT the nosodes, meaning, we covered most sides of the lyme puzzle problem.... such as EMF, some chelation, detox support, non allergenic diet etc.
The nosodes helped us as antibacterial strategies, to lower the bacterial load. And high potency nosodes helped us not to fall ill again (it stopped all our relapses!).
You said you used “intensive herbal and other homeopathic treatments.”
--- For reaching those periods of remission, I used Buhner / Cowden / Chinese herbs.
--- Homeopathy: basically organ support, lymph, symptom relief.
Could you elaborate on what that entailed? Or do you mean while you were using nosodes, you were treating things that popped up such as yeast with herbs or homeopathics?
---- Yes, exactly. Once Bb goes dormant for a while, other infections surface and you got to treat them, one by one....
---- We used herbs or other homeopathics (like the more widespectrum Sanum nosodes, that treat many infections, they are less specific nosodes and reach more types of pathogens).
We are not only doing the nosodes but are using many supplements which we were already doing for many months: liver support, GI support, thyroid, etc.
Blakeley has improved her diet drastically and eats no sugar or processed foods.
---- GREAT!!!
---- I'm now on the Medical medium diet. I eat tons of natural sugars and carbs, no processed foods.
----What I cut recently (after lyme) were dairy (including butter), eggs, soy, canola/rapeseed and corn products.
-----I find it helps immensely.
I do not think that the DesBios borrelia series alone will get Blakeley well. I realize there are many systemic dysfunctions going on, but since you and your daughter have reached remission, I wanted to make sure I’m following what you’re saying.
Does it sound like we are covering the bases? Thanks
----- I suppose so!!
What I used was energy testing (to find what were the rotating pathogens that kept coming up).
But when Bb did not matter anymore, all our treatments became more effective and faster.
I wish your daughter good luck. She's got a terrific mother, for sure!!!