Hi all,
I finally tested positive for Lyme back in 2018 after years of desperately trying to find a diagnosis. My doctor put me on the Buhner protocol for only three months (I do not think that should have sufficed since it wasn't a new infection, possibly many years old!) but I did not really see a let up in my symptoms. They never really left, though now they seem to be back with a vengeance.
These were my results:
IgM –– Indeterminate: 41, Nonspecific: 58, 64, 66, 93
IgG –– Indeterminate: 41, Nonspecific: 62
Qual result: Reactive
Patient od: 0.159 (borderline cutoff is 0.120, reactive cutoff is 0.151)
From what I understand, I am not CDC positive but I am positive with IGeneX by two bands, 41 and 93.
I also tested negative for any co-infections.
My symptoms seem to come in waves, where I go from feeling iffy to genuinely feeling like my body is shutting down on me. My temperature goes up and down, I feel very run down and almost drunk, I get spacey and foggy, feel anxious and panicked, my blood pressure will drop, I get terrible pressure in my head and - at times - headaches, and I dealt with gastric issues in the past.
I am getting retested with IGeneX (just ordered my kit) since my most recent test was last year with Stonybook and I'm interested to see if they differ any.
Regardless, I look up to your guidance so much was wondering what you all think my next steps should be, should IGeneX be positive (which it certainly feels like it will be).
My LLMD said because it's an old infection he wouldn't recommend oral antibiotics, so I would have to get IV treatments (which scare me since I have a clotting gene). Otherwise I could go the herbal route again, but I would have to stay on it much longer than I was before.
What has helped you? How long were/are you receiving treatment?
I feel at a loss at this point and like nothing has helped, so anything would be appreciated. Thank you
Post Edited (Kristin_) : 4/20/2020 12:29:08 AM (GMT-6)