saraeli said...
If I am interpreting your post correctly, then it seems like you have several things going on: Lyme, mycotoxins, candida, MCAS, and neuropathy. Of course many of those overlap.
Some things to try:
Neti pot with salt water (and distilled or boiled water)
Xlear nasal spray (xylitol and saline)
Humidifier (I know, seems odd after mold remediation, but dryness in the sinus passages can be an issue)
Nebulized or topical antifungal essential oils (oregano, clove, etc.) (start very slowly, as oregano can burn your nasal passages and lungs)
Glutathione (or NAC) (to help your body process out the mycotoxins)
Maintain one or more bowel movements per day
Binders to help absorb and eliminate mycotoxins (charcoal, bentonite clay, chlorella, zeolite, modified citrus pectin, cholestyramine, okra, etc.) (different binders bind best to different mycotoxins, so it helps if you have had the urine test or at least a dust sample, so you can make an educated guess about which binder will help best)
Infrared sauna (to help eliminate the mycotoxins through your skin)
Air purifier (to help reduce the amount of particulates of all kinds that your respiratory tract has to deal with)
Antifungal treatment for candida (the white on your tongue sounds like thrush, which could be colonizing your sinus cavities as well, causing all your issues) (just fluconazole isn't usually enough) (this is especially vital if you have been on pharmaceutical antibiotics, which often cause candida overgrowth)
Probiotics (if you have histamine issues, then steer clear of fermented food sources and stick with probiotic supplements that contain only low-histamine strains)
Good luck! Hope this passes soon!
I am going to get the nasal irrigation kit calle neil med from Costco
I don't know of any place in Canada where I could send my urin for testing .My local dr isn't any help and the dr in maine cannot be visited right now due to covid and chances are he give me another prescript
ion and im on 9 now.