I had the same thought about
the huge number of hard-hitting meds and herbs you are taking. Have you tried taking a month or so off to let your system catch up? Your detox pathways might need some time to process out the microbes that have died off, and also to allow the massive amount of inflammation it causes to subside. Your system sounds extremely overloaded and inflamed, in desperate need of a break!
Are you taking supportive supplements - magnesium, curcumin, omega 3s, probiotics? These might help to reduce the inflammation. CBD also can be an enormous help with nerve pain.
Benzos are rough. I would recommend keeping your dose the same or only reducing it very slightly for now, though. No reason to stress out your system when it's already so stressed out.
I like WBF's suggestion to ask about
switching apartments. Mold can cause nerve issues, and overloading your system with more neurotoxic substances is the last thing you need. I'm sure the idea of moving is exhausting, though, and extra tough at this time of necessary isolation.
Perhaps an advanced air purifier could help for now?
Are you in regular contact with friends and family, even casual acquaintances? The loneliness and stress of the pandemic can be hard on anyone's health, mentally and physically! I'm so sorry to hear that your partner left, and for what that must mean in terms of your ability to care for yourself. What a painful thing to endure.
Many of us have found ourselves in a very hopeless state because of this illness. I know that I have. Sometimes it seems like dying is the only escape! But it isn't. The horrible parts absolutely are horrible, but they are temporary.