Posted 5/15/2020 11:30 AM (GMT -5)
We are looking for a LLMD in southern Indiana, or anywhere within a few hours, Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois. My 8 year old son has Lyme. He’s had it a year now. Took us 3 months to finally get it diagnosed, and many doctors. We took him to a doctor in Omaha, NE, a D.O. She was the first one to diagnose him. She put him on the Cowden protocol, but after 1 month of spending $1,000 on the supplements, we went with the antibiotic route. We can barely pay our regular monthly bills. We couldn’t keep the $1,000 Supplements up. Now after 8 months on 3 different antibiotics and 2 different anti malaria drugs, I think we need to revisit a more natural route to use with the antibiotics. I’m thinking of getting a Rife Plasma machine, as I’ve heard great things about it also. Even if we have to keep putting everything on credit cards, it would be worth it. My son gets really high fevers if 105.8 for 3-6 days, every 4-5 weeks. He is Also very fatigued and gets really bad headaches, and sometimes (not very often) he can’t walk, with the high fevers). I’m so overwhelmed, please any help or referrals.