You are right. Chedder was very special to me and dear wife. At 18 years of age, he was getting very frail and thin. He has not come home and it is now 2 days and i know he will never come home again to me. He is somewhere in the sky where the loving cats of this world go upon their demise here. I know he is still with me in his spirit. It has been a tough 2 days now without him and i am getting used to that fact but the night last night was sleepless for me because he would sleep on the pillow next to me a part of every night. He did not seem to mind my snoring as wife does.
And now for an update on my health. Before i started on taking MSM pretty well last Christmas day, the only way i could get around even 10 steps, i would need to have my 2 canes which were basically crutches to get around. My right knee would not let me put any weight on it. Within a week of starting the MSM i could hobble without canes down the hallway in the house about
10 feet. Gradually that swelling of the knee is now going down to a point where i have put my canes down on about
May 15 which means that i have not used them for a month now. I have walked about
200 yards to the corner store in town here. I can now do stairs a bit easier but still half a step at a time. Progress is slow but it is still there. There are days where it seems harder but maybe other things are at play like losing my cat to nature. The other day i walked 300 yards to the beach of Harrison Lake and it was real nice to walk there as the waves lapped at the shore and there were pieces of driftwood around that rougher water had brought ashore. I love doing that so much. Summer is now getting busy at the campground and its doing well. The motel portion of our enterprise here is dead (very little action) because people are still scared of Covid here. So somehow we will manage and it is a pleasure to look out the window here and see mountains and to smell the fresh air of late spring. We are blessed where we live. So i try and be optimistic. XFMLG