It's so hard to answer this question. What are your symptoms?
Some supplements and drugs will hurt your gut or liver - so what are you doing to support those? Are you sleeping alright? Are you getting mild exercise, sunlight, laughter? What do your blood panels look like in terms of WBCs, infectious load, b12, hormones, and so on?
I think Lyme patients end up doing a lot of their own 'doctoring' because even their doctors, who try to standardize treatments sometimes, can only help to an extent, but in reality, we are all unique and have to do some self-guinea-pigging.
Try to write down your symptoms and actions and think about
what organs might be weak (i.e. if you're T3 is low, your thyroid and liver at the min, and possibly also your reproductive organs could use support, or if your gut is super sensitive, an elimination diet might be helpful) and what drug side effects might be doing to you. There is a ton to look at - and a ton of treatment options