Well... sorry for the “downer” update.
I finished with the trainer (remote) last Friday - and had a new trainer for Monday - she was in the same office. I was having a bad brain day and had some trouble the last two hours of the day (it was an 8 hour shift)
When my brain gets overloaded and I get overwhelmed it seems to shut down - and I have trouble remembering.
Then yesterday I was put on the desk to go “live” with a trainer in the room - but she had her very busy job to do. Her and the other two clerks were chatting and laughing about
non work stuff and it was very loud in the room.
To complete one task, there’s a sequence of steps that need to be done quickly. There are three monitors with 6 or 7 programs running - that I have to toggle to get the job done.
Today - again lots of chatting and laughing between the three clerks - - I had to ask the trainer a few questions - and then the boss called me in and basically said I wasn’t up to par.
I knew I wasn’t but I hadn’t finished my training.
Most of my shifts were 4-5 hours long and two or three times a week for a few weeks.
Usually new clerks get 3 weeks of 7,5 hours x 5 days a week.
With the shorter shifts and 2-3 days per week - it probably translates to 1 1/2 weeks.
Sigh - I need a new job
I think the less hours plus remote training - I was set up to fail.
The boss also said something like “We’ve had people walk in off the street and are able to do the job in three days....
When I went back to do my job - the trainer told me I had made a mistake that she had to correct.
I had no confidence left and I told her to tell the manager I was leaving - I was in tears at this point.
I got home and emailed the Manager and said that I was not going back to that office.
I do think I could have done well at it - if I had more support -