Garzie said...
UAZip05 said...
For those who havr used Rifampin for Bartonella, could you please help with a few questions?
3) Any other tips for successful use?
Thank you!
I have been reading up on treating Bartonella with antibiotics recently
one of the better articles i came across was a video presentation by Dr Burrascano ( of the Lyme guidelines fame )
he favors Clarithromycin and Rifampicin together for Bart
he explains that they have opposite effects on the same liver detoxification pathway CY450
rifampicin speeds it up - lowering the concentrations of other drugs and hormones etc
whereas Clarithromycin ( which he favors for Bart over other macrolides ) slows down the exact same pathway - neutralizing the unwanted effect of Rifampicin.
I get pain in the area of my liver that intensifies with Rifampicin till it interferes with my sleep - so I plan to use this approach when I next do a cycle of abx
as others may have mentioned - single abx monotherapy is not recommended for Bart as it has been shown in lab studies to adapt quickly to single antibiotics like doxy and rifampicinDo you mean if you just take Rifampin or just take Doxy? I'm currently taking both.