Sketchyfrog💚 said...
We both got our SOTs close together. The way they are avoiding my request for lab paperwork is what is making me suspicious. On top of barely any improvement at all. I had Thyroid Cancer 2 years ago and suffer from Severe Hypothyroidism on top of lyme so even when I do have some improvements, I don't know if it is from the SOT or my Thyroid levels being more decent. I did have a non-stop terrible migraine for about 6 days post SOT. Other than that no bad effects other than a lower savings account 🤣 I just found this site this morning so I will definitely be following up to see updates. Did you receive any paperwork with your SOT?
Welcome! I’m relatively new as well. I got my SOT IV 2 weeks ago at a doctor in Los Angeles. I got zero paperwork as well but I didn’t think to ask at the time. I wish I would have. Maybe I’ll follow up with them. I still think it’s unlikely RGCC will communicate directly to individuals.
Because we are doing these treatments outside the FDA in Greece etc, we are assuming a lot of risk. Also the clinics in the US are subject to risk as well. That’s why I’ve started not naming them in case it’s an issue (I probably have in the past).
But with anything Lyme Im grateful for any doctors office that is willing to offer new treatments but I also know that the physical and financial risk is 95% me. The other 5% I assign to them in the hopes that they don’t offer anything that will kill me
. But this is the sad state of Lyme right now.
If I find either through research or my own experience that RGCC SOT for Lyme is not effective I will be the first to share that. I’m lucky that I can take some financial risk right now that maybe others can’t.