Girle - I definitely have a lot of fillings - I seem to have poor genetics so whether it's cavities or physical injuries like shoulder or knee injuries from sports or detoxing from lyme I seem to be worse than average at getting over it - I don't know how to tell if they are mercury or not though. My mom is actually a dental hygenist and I asked her about
it because I was weary of mercury and I think she said they don't have mercury but she didn't seem sure. I searched it and I think I mostly have the ones that are tooth colored and not metal so from my cursory search it seems like maybe I don't have mercury? That would be amazing!
CalmLittleBuddah - I ordered l-ornithine and l-aspertate in a blend together (it was like $8 instead of the $60 bottle I tried to ordered yesterday but they canceled it because it was out of stock) and also some additional l-ornithine - I also got milk thistle, molybdenum, l-lysine, yucca, and activated charcoal - I'll let you know if any of those seem to work for the brain fog/depersonalization. They were all less than $10 a bottle so should be accessible for others depending on their situation.
Saraeli - Wow, that was a lot of information, thank you. I've never heard of MCAS so I'm going to have to spend some time researching that now. I have heard of those mold tests but I'm actually trying to sell my house right now so I'm not sure if it makes sense if I'm only going to live here for another couple of months but I was thinking about
paying for them for whatever house we end up considering buying together. Thank you for the names of them though. You said supplements can help with the MCAS? Do you have resources for what supplements help it? If you don't have the capacity right now I can search around so don't worry about
it. I'm not feeling great but better than yesterday so I should be able to find the information on my own. I did order the CBD. I have no affiliation but the brand I have found to work best is Bluebird Botanicals - I have tried a number of different companies but Bluebird is the only one I can actually notice a difference with. I told my doctors office about
it like 5 years ago and now he has all his patients take it (wow how far has the CBD industry come in 5 years, there only used to be like 2 options when I first started taking it). It's expensive but they're doing 50% off now. Like I said I don't get any kickback but I'll delete that if brand recommendations aren't allowed.
- I just searched the mold test you linked and for the ERMI test you swab it yourself and then send it in? That's interesting, is that what you did?
BB - ALCAR has been helpful for me, I just ran out but I want to order more, same with NAC - those two are a great combo for me. I've never noticed a difference with l-glutathione - I just tried a bottle from my doctor and didn't notice anything. I haven't tried the IV vitamin C but I definitely would, just don't know where to do it. The one I haven't done on your list is the lithium orotate - I can ask my doctor about
that next time I see him.
Thank you all for the support. I was feeling really scared yesterday and it was nice to post the thread and get responses. I'm still feeling physically crappy but more like I'm able to handle it now. I was being passive in my treatment and got kicked in the face and remembered I need to be active and be my own doctor like we all do.
My partner is actually a scientist/researcher and she is really frustrated with the lyme world being so inconclusive and treatments being so bad and seeing me struggle so she's started emailing doctors/researchers to get their data and is going to try and get a grant to study lyme. She's so intelligent and driven that maybe she'll find something the others have missed and I'll share it with you all!
Post Edited (bryguy27007) : 8/23/2020 10:53:23 AM (GMT-6)