Vsquare said...
I am leaving this site. I guess wasn’t aware that I had to justify my treatment decisions to you. I feel like I’ve been on trial here. You aren’t the least bit concerned about my well-being. You just want to make the point that you DISAPPROVE of my treatment choice. Duly noted. However, I don’t believe that’s any of your business. Oh & i believe that I mentioned that I was feeling much better? Must be a fluke, right?
I think this is a misunderstanding. The people here are focussed on helping others in the same situation by sharing knowledge and experiences.
no treatment option is entirely risk-free and we each have to make our own risk vs reward based decisions.
what I think you are experiencing is a number of people expressing concerns that the risks you may be subjecting yourself to with this treatment, are to their minds out of proportion to the rewards.
to evaluate this its necessary to look at both sides of this equation
first the risk - we have to ask ourselves what are the risk that i would do myself significant harm -
I think this depends on the dosage and i think some of the concerns come from the fact that certainly in high doses MMS is toxic and can harm your body. this is not a matter of opinion, propaganda or belief system.
small doses taken short term may not do significant harm
have there been any scientific studies where dosing has been established in a controlled way? - if not - you are back to manufacturers' claims or other people's anecdotal accounts.
so it seems fair to say there is some risk of doing harm here.
secondly - we need to look at the potential benefits.
here I think the concerns you are hearing from other posters is that it seems, given what we know of Lyme and its co-infections. unlikely that this will help with chronic systemic infections as the organisms are hiding deep within cells in secluded parts of the body, behind barriers, and in places, the blood flow cannot easily get to.
do we know if MMS gets into the blood at all - or is it flushed through the gut without being absorbed - again i suspect there is v little research available
so to many people, this MMS looks like a potential risk with a low chance of helping - and hence out of concern for your wellbeing, they have raised concerns
there is actually a healthy population of self experimenters here - they are a decent bunch who want to help ( I am among them)
there is still a lot we do not know - but we should still proceed carefully rather than throw caution to the wind out of desperation.
I hope you find some relief and please don't do anything rash.