trekkar said...
I'm not sure why but I guess the great plains tested for different molds, the ones that were high on vibrant were not tested on great plains.
I never did have an ermi tested but I tried to have the house remediated after an air sample testing. I still can't go in the house without feeling sick within minutes and taking hours/days to recover. Other locations do the same thing. I rented an apartment for 6 months while doing the remediation and then tried moving back in but could not tolerate it.
Do you get more sensitive while on binders?
I got more sensitive with worse exposure. I don’t know if binders made me more sensitive except for cholestyramine.
Based on your reactions, I would not go back there. I would go by the worst results based on your reactions. Stachy can be devastating and deadly. I wouldn’t keep any porous possessions either. Make sure you decontaminate possessions.
I would try to find a place where you feel less reactive. Is it possible for you to do extreme mold avoidance - like living in a camper or tent? If so, check out the experts on www.