Adam B said...
Yeah, it's a lot. I might try it at some point, as I usually handle meds pretty well.
I imagine that anyone on this protocol has already tried (and failed) many other treatments.
Yes, here is a breakdown of how long the 40 patients had been ill.
"Of 40 participants, 21 were male and 19 were female. Age range was between 20 and 84 years old (M = 46.45, SD = 15.85). Fifty-five percent were less than 50 years old, and the remaining 45% were older than 50. Sixteen patients (40%) had been ill for longer than 20 years, 10 patients (25%) had been ill for 10–20 years, 9 patients (22.5%) had been ill between 5 to 9 years, and 5 patients (12.5%) had been ill between 1-4 years. Thirty percent of patients (N = 12) had a history of EM rashes and thereby met the criteria for PTLDS. Thirty-seven out of 40 patients (92.5%) had at least one co-infection, 12 patients (30%) had two co-infections, and 5 patients (12.5%) had three or more co-infections. Twenty-one patients (53%) were Babesia microti antibody positive, 5 patients (13%) were Babesia duncani antibody positive, 6 patients (15%) were Babesia FISH positive, 5 patients (13%) were Ehrlichia antibody positive, and 3 patients (8%) were Anaplasma antibody positive. Eighteen patients (45%) were Bartonella antibody positive (B. henselae, B. quintana), 1 patient had a Bartonella skin biopsy positive by immunofluorescence, 1 patient was Bartonella PCR positive, 7 patients (17.5%) were Bartonella FISH positive, and 6 patients (15%) had evidence of elevated VEGF, an indirect marker of active Bartonella."