"I guess I shouldn’t have pushed it - I took a few cycles off and now I’m doing some heavy killing again."
So your symptoms are worse now than they would usually be on the maintenance protocol- if you hadn't taken that time off?
Were you able to work yesterday?
I'm curious about
how pulsing abx affects the immune system. You've said that your wbc count drops when you're on abx and it goes right back up when you're off.. a crude metric but also direct evidence of changes that may be significant to how you're feeling. I guess it has something to do with changes in gut microbiota? Has Dr J ever explained what he thinks is happening? I'm sure he understands this stuff better than most, though I don't know that it's well understood by anyone really.. and what does he say about
herxing while on the maintenance protocol?
Sorry for so many questions
In my own experience with all of the different treatments, I've never really noticed a clear benefit on the other side of a "herx" as some people seem to.. and without treating for the last few months, I'm still experiencing fluctuations in how I feel from day to day, week to week.. so that's kinda where I'm coming from. I tend to think the increase in symptoms has less to do with the killing of pathogens (or the flourishing of them for that matter) than it does with other changes in the body. In addition to that, we're so sensitive to everything.. hard to ever know what's really going on.
Anyway I can definitely sympathize with not wanting to take any steps back after coming so far.. I've been tempted to start treating again recently.. so good luck on that front, and I hope things settle down for you again quickly!