Thanks for the reply and telling me what worked for you in regards to the GI issues.
In regards to the Rifampin - I was on 900mf daily and I weigh about
120lbs (just for reference to your dosage). I was on Rifampin at full dose for 6 months. about
3 months in I started experiencing massive productivity decline, so very lethargic, increase in neuro/psych symptoms, and some of the deep bone pain/flu-like symptoms. All of these things were rather tolerable. I was barely functioning ... But still functioning somewhat.
In regards to the Rifabutin - after 10 days of starting Rifabutin, at a dose of 150mg-2x daily, I started herxing. I experienced deep, deep bone pain, chills, mild fever, extreme Constipation/bloating came on, extreme joint pain and swelling, stiff neck, extreme cognitive impairment, intense anxiety, deep anhedonic depression, panic attacks, poor sleep quality, vision impairment increased (floaters, blurry vision, static, etc...), Migraines, and just overall crappiness. I was very debilitated. Spending most (~85%) of my day in bed. These symptoms eventually tapered off over the period 4-5 months. Specifically, the herxing went diminished about
3 weeks after I achieved the full dose of Rifabutin; which was, 450mg-daily or 150mg (1 capsule) in the morning, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before eating (Clarithromycin), and 300mg in the evening, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before eating (Clarithromycin). So, I dosing ratio was 1:2 of 150mg Rifabutin. Again, about
3 weeks after achieving the full dose my herxing diminished. Still not entirely gone. I had a lot more energy. Was able to be on my feet all day every day, but I still felt very depressed and like I was achieving deep sleep. I was always dulled mentally and felt very unmotivated/uninterested in everything, with a chronic sense of drowsiness (again, I think from not sleeping well), and I was extremely anxious. I mean, things that do not make me anxious normally I was avoiding. Keep in mind, I was also taking compounded T3 (15mcg) and Hydrocortisone (30mg daily, 3:2:1), which may have contributed the feelings of anxiety and anhedonia...but I was on the same T3 and hydrocortisone dosage before I started the Rifabutin and they weren't that bad. Then, about
5 months after I started Rifabutin (and, 1.5 months after I achieved full dose) we switched the dosing ratio to 0:3, 0mg:450mg, so I took the entire day's dosage at night, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before eating (and taking Clarithromycin). For the first 4-6 weeks of the 0:3 dosing I was okay. Still very anxious, but on my feet all day, still not sleeping well though, and I even started to exercise a bit (which, I hadn't been able to do in several years). Then, within a week, about
6 weeks after starting 0:3 dosing, I started herxing again (my most recent herx that I am coming out of now). This time it was significantly worse. I started losing all of my hair in clumps daily. I've lost about
half of my hair now. I have been extremely bed ridden, anxious, deep bone pain, burning skin, visual impairment, extreme cognitive impairment (I have not felt comfortable to even drive), nightmares, extreme fatigue and lethargy, flu-like symptoms, lymph swelling and pain(like being bruised everywhere), extreme anhedonic depression, yellowing of the skin, extreme Constipation and bloating, anxiety, panic attacks, extreme joint pain and swelling, nausea, increase in distorted/OCD thinking, and some other symptoms..but you get the picture. I was doing infrared sauna therapy daily, vitamin C cleanses, glutathione cleanses, alkalizing my body, green juice and bone broth daily, Epsom salt baths, green coffee enemas almost daily, castor oil packs a few times a week, and lymphatic dry brushing daily. So, I was definitely detoxing and I was still very debilitated. I spent ALL of my time in bed. Could barely feed myself and keep with my own personal hygiene, let alone keep my space clean or do anything else. I had to drop out of all of my classes. The cognitive impairment has never been so bad before. Taking mast cell stabilizers helped (Quercitin, Zyrtec, and Pepcid). Now, the thing that really made a big difference, was only eating meat (which I'm still doing now). I figured this out by an elimination diet. Even fruits and vegetables set me off. Anything with fiber. So, I was still constipated eating only meat, but I'm not nearly as bloated, and my joint pain/swelling, extreme cognitive impairment (reduced by 50%), and burning skin symptoms go away within 2 days of eating only meat. I was in this deep herxing state with my hair falling out and completely debilitated for almost 5 full months. I've been off of Rifabutin for a week now and yesterday/today is the first I've felt a little bit better, with a better mood. I'm still on Clarithromycin, hydrocortisone (tapering off slowly over the course of several weeks), thyroid, mast cell stabilizers, and supplements. I will be adding in natural antimicrobials and herbs in a week.
Overall, it sucked. It was bad. I'm still losing my hair now. I'm still yellow from the Rifabutin. I'm still constipated and bloated. I took beyond the max dosage of stimulant laxatives every day for the past year. I'm exhausted. And lost basically a full year of my life. Accomplished nothing. Did nothing except take pills and sleep like crap.
I hope all of that was informative; albeit, long winded response. If you have any specific questions fire away. Also, it's really important to take the Rifabutin on a completely empty stomach with the second antibiotic taken 30 minutes later with food. Taking the abx this way significantly increased their efficacy. Also, taking the entire day's Rifabutin dosage at once, 0:3 dosing, made a huge difference and is what killed off the last bit, and really resistant bit of Bartonella. Dosing at 0:3 also put me into the worst and longest herx of my life, which never ended or diminished during the entire time I was on the Rifabutin. I have never been so debilitated. But, it was worth it. It got rid of the Bart entirely. I recommend planning on being very debilitated and non-functional. Not only was the herxing bad, but Rifabutin causes your hormones and neurotransmitters to be rapidly metabolized..so there's no hormones or neurotransmitters left to circulate in your body. So, the Rifabutin causes significant side effects and an overall crapty/extremely depressed feeling all on its own.
Again, if you have any more questions let me know. But, if not. I hope all of that helped. Sorry if it was scattered..I'm still dealing with brain fog today.
Post Edited (owillie) : 12/14/2020 5:26:24 PM (GMT-7)