saraeli said...
A relative (hospital lab employee, 48, recent cardiac surgery, smoked for decades) got both doses of the Moderna vaccine. [...] And now he's immensely relieved not to fear for his life every time he goes to work or runs an errand. Working in a hospital, he sees so many people die from this disease every day, and sees the hospital staff at breaking points from the stress and lack of resources.
I've no doubt you know way more about
this than me, so I wanted to ask if there's reliable data collection and reporting on people to distinguish those who die WITH the virus and those who die FROM the virus?
Some of my other concerns are:
* The length of time the vaccine(s) will be effective.
* Will additional vaccines be required for the virus? What about
its variants?
* What precedent are we setting for future viruses, given the level of fear in which many have been living?
(all rhetorical questions)
A friend of mine works for a hospital in Florida and received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine. She had a bit of a sore arm and some fatigue after the second dose, but, overall, was fine. However, even after being vaccinated, she and her colleagues were told to continue social distancing, hand washing, and wearing masks. Obviously, I wrongly assumed that people would get vaccinated and then return to "normal" life. But, it seems not. Not immediately, anyway.
Anyway, most people in my small circle of friends and family want to be (or, already have been) vaccinated. I've no immediate plans to be vaccinated, but I remain
open to the possibility.
It's been surprising for me to see so many healthcare workers decline being vaccinated. The statistics vary by
location and institution, of course, but I've seen the refusal rate reported as low as 20% and as high as 80%. Some of these healthcare workers are working in nursing homes, emergency rooms, and intensive care units. So, they're working with some of the most vulnerable patients and it's reasonable to assume some of those patients have had COVID -- likely some of those patients dying with/from the virus. Yet, many healthcare workers still refuse vaccination. Naturally, the reasons will vary, but, overall, I was very surprised by the large percentages of refusals being reported.
Have you any idea what percentage of the population will need to be vaccinated, in order to get things under control? I wonder what happens if such a critical mass isn't reached?