ChristianWithLyme said...
The problem is that no matter how many people die from or are damaged by the vaccines, the Communists and big pharma are going to be pushing propaganda and suppression. I do know that Communists and big pharma are very good liars. Much of our mainstream media is now controlled by these factions.
Seriously, enough with the conspiracy theories. This is a health forum, not one for political conspiracy theories.
Plus, how can anyone actually believe stuff like this? If there was some kind of nefarious plot to harm the global population through vaccines, it would take the participation of thousands upon thousands of researchers, government and media officials, to develop/sign off on/execute the plan.
What conspiracy theorists don't understand is that people who work for the government, media, pharma companies are not some foreign species of faraway beings, they are regular people just like you and me with feelings and morals. Do you really believe not one of the thousands of people involved wouldn't have pangs of guilt and conscience and release studies/documents/meeting agendas documenting the alleged conspiracy? Yet, to conspiracy theorists, the lack of evidence makes no difference and the only people who know the "truth" are a few cranks on YouTube or the dark corners of the internet, who happen to have no inside connections or knowledge at all?
Seriously, to believe this stuff it's like someone has to never held a job or managed a project in their life. How hard is it to accomplish something with three people and keep even the most benign secrets? Let alone accomplishing something nefarious with thousands of people and keeping extremely serious secrets? It just doesn't make any sense.
Look, I get it, we've all been failed by mainstream medicine to some degree, otherwise we wouldn't be on here. But that doesn't mean the medical world is out to get us or deliberately trying to cause harm wherever they can for some nefarious purpose.
/End Rant