Hello and welcome! I read through your post twice, and I have to admit it sounds very unusual. Like Garzie said, many, if not most, with Lyme get GI issues at some point, but I don’t think I have ever heard anyone describe insane sugar cravings as one of their initial symptoms. The gastro stuff usually comes later.
Your story sounds like a case for a detective! I like trying to solve mysteries.
Only thing found was lyme disease.”
- Which Lyme test did you get? Was it a Western blot with Labcorp or Quest? Was it positive according to CDC reporting guidelines? Was it positive for IgG, IgM, or both?
“Let me say this about how/when my problems started...way back November 10, 1985, went running along a lake near me, cleared brush at my property, woke up around 2am with severe night sweats, stomach churning, felt a fever going down through my body, terrible desire for sugar- I am guessing you remember and mention running alongside a lake and clearing brush as possibilities for tick exposure. Did you have a known tick bite or bullseye rash?
- Do you remember anything else from the days leading up to that night that might be clues to something?
- swimming
- going to the beach
- eating seafood, raw milk, pork, or anything unusual or exotic
- drinking water from a well, lake, pond or any non-typical source
- being on vacation or a cruise or away from home
The only symptoms you described were these:
night sweats, stomach churning, fever, fatigue, insane sugar cravings
diarrhea, gas, teeth coming loose, white coating on tongue
gastro and fatigue
These do not sound like Lyme disease that’s gone undiagnosed for years, IMO. To me, it does sound like a possible parasite and Candida.
Did you ever do any anti-parasitic drugs or herbs?
I’m not saying you don’t have Lyme. I’m saying that what you described sounds much more like some type of parasite or gut pathogen. People can have exposure to borrelia and have antibodies and not have symptomatic Lyme disease.
Post Edited (WalkingbyFaith) : 2/19/2021 5:58:03 PM (GMT-7)