Hi all, thanks all!
@potsnpans: How long you did DSF and how looks your dosage? I know some your posts, but I don't know how long it all took. What improvement in %?
I think tetracyclines are more, more dangerously for mitochondria. Interesting protocol from "acrined". I tried D-ribose, and also NAD+ (better option than basic nicotamide I trust).
You did some mitochondria testing? I did, in our Czech lab called MitoLab. There was a lot associated with genetic testing and all my results are fine....like ATP, amino acids... only CoQ10 is still little bit low. This is interesting, because I do long time 200 mg/daily of both CoQ10 forms.
Ketogenic was without effect for me, I think its maybe not right way for chronic patients...body need all nutrients.
@WalkingbyFaith: Oh sorry, yes, I did not notice :-/ Thank you for copy!
mycotoxins - this was interesting, because ERMI testing show extremely clean house withotu any molds! My high Ochratoxin A must be from food. I did lot of Okra, Charcoal and Zeolite. Okra is very recommended from dr. Heyman. I do not have access for Cholestyramine, this is, why I tried Okra and more binders.
I did this "cleanse" for 4 months with high doses. No effects for me, but I hope my Ochratoxines and lower now (not control testing because no money).
Yes - Im patient without herxes at all. Only 2 - 3 small herxes in start with DSF.
Dental work is done - no cavitations, only last tiny amalgam left.
I dont have any psychic symptoms, this is why I think autoimmune encephalitis is not my problem. But it may be good to verify it. Thank you! I don't even have brain fog - classic symptom for many.
Yes yes, ME is very, very possible! Thank you for Healthrising article... I know Jeffs story...and Jennifer Brea had same issues with EDS / CCI. Last year I did 3T MR head and cervical spine for exclusion of it. My doctor says its good, normal, but I was advised to contact a larger specialist abroad and send him my MR pictures.
Fact is, I have bad back - hyperkyphosis. But I suppose in this case, the deterioration in health would be creeping if it were caused mechanically. My CFS started from day to day 7 years ago with flu-like symptoms.
@Garzie: This looks like a very same state like me! You also feel huge inflammation in body...and are you sensitive to temperature? Im!
Thank you for sharing what help you most! Amazing...and Im really happy from you! How long you did Buhner? I haven't tried adaptogens yet (money limits).
This is, what helped me most in past, unfortunately only temporarily, then came the relapses.
Note that the treatment is not related at all - these are completely different things, but they all caused an improvement in all the symptoms.
1. HBOT - 50% better, 30 sessions, work 5 months, secont try with 40 sessions 30% better, 3 months work
2. oral Cromolyn (mast cell stabilizer) - 40% better, works for 4 months (from blood tests I dont have MCAS)
3. L-Carnitine - 20% better, 5 months works
@dcd2103: Thanks! Will write later, my eyes hurt from the monitor :-/