EverlyGwen88 said...
After dealing with lightheadedness, vertigo, light sensitivity, tingling in hands, neck stiffness and the onset of recent fatigue and joint pain I though my dr finally got me an answer after a year ...Lyme disease! Upon the initial test it came back positive for IGM. A blot was then ordered but then came back negative? The blot does say igG bands 23, 41, and 93 are positive though but because it wasn’t 5 only 3 it’s negative. Has anyone else ever dealt with this? Or have any info? I will be seeing a Lyme specialist once they can get me in to further evaluate but was looking for some peice of mind in the meantime. With the symptoms I’m having and testing positive for igm and 3 bands of igG I feel I am Lyme positive. Any insight or information would be greatly appreciated! Just want some answers to calm this overwhelming anxiety
Hi EverlyGwen - welcome to the forum.
“ The blot does say igG bands 23, 41, and 93 are positive though but because it wasn’t 5 only 3 it’s negative. Has anyone else ever dealt with this? Or have any info?“
Bands 23 and 93 are lyme “specific”
- meaning only lyme will produce those bands.
With your symptoms and those test results - a LLMD would diagnose you with Lyme disease.
So is this a LLMD you will be seeing?