for around a year now I have had a loud heartbeat pulsing sound in my ears - mainly at night when i lie with one ear on the pillow - its pretty loud - but i understand this is a common thing with lyme and associated conditions and i had got used to it.
however this last week or so i have been getting irregular heartbeats - and last night it was the worst yet and while I am used to weird symptoms, pain, digestion etc etc i have to admit it has e a bit rattled as its actually stopping for a beat or two then restarting with a thump that i can feel through my torso, it's accompanied with a slight sharp pain in the area of my heart.
to give an idea of the extent - it would skip a beat or two every 4 or 5 beats sometimes each 3 or 10 or 12 beats - on and off for 10-30mins. It would then seem regular but elevated maybe 80-90bpm ( been at this elevated level when at rest for a year or so also ) - and then go back to skipping - and did this all night. at one point waking me up in a sweat and feeling alarmed/feeling something was wrong.
is this just a lyme / bart / mycoplasma thing?
is this likely to be any of the meds, supplements or herbs i am taking - i have been pretty careful - but I will list them just in case anyone spots anything
-- Thyroid T3/T4 combo - mostly T4 with a bit of T3 - less T3 than i used to take - no changes for 3 months - and last test showed still under not over-medicated - although the last few tests have been a bit up and down for unknown reasons ( maybe LDN or herb treatments / her )
--LDN - moved up to 2.75mg a day taken in the am around 2 weeks ago - usually, most adverse side effects have settled down after around 1 week - which they seem to have done from this last step also
-supplements - all the usual Lyme type vitamins etc
--vits - C, D, E, A ( a low dose) Biotin, B-50 complex, Niacinamide
--minerals - magnesium, selenium, zinc
--supplements - CoQ10, ALA, NAC, Acetyl-Carnitine, Fish oil, l-Theanine, betaine-HCL, L-Arginine, MSM, TUDCA
-Buhner lyme herbs --knotweed, cats claw, cordyceps, Uncaria Rhynchophilia, Dan Shen, Ch. Skullcap, licorice (only 0.5ml 4x)
- Buhner co-infection herbs - houttuynia, sida, cryptolepis, alcornea, teasel, berberis ( combined in pretty low doses - all together 4ml 4x a day)
-Buhner adaptogens - eleuthero, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha ( again low / tonic doses - around 1.25ml 3x a day of each - and have been taking more than this for the last 3+ years without any ill effects )
-TUDCA just trial for the last month - but doubt this is related
-co-infection herbs - have been very gradually working up the dose - but by a few drops a week at most
it looks like a lot when you list it all out - but have been taking pretty much all of these for years now - trialing things and seeing what seems to help - gradually working my way up and adding one at a time and not much has changed recently - overall i am making gradual improvements over time but very slowly - so this latest symptom is a bit odd when generally everything else seems to be improving.
should I be worried about
this - or does it just go with the territory?
is it just because I am treating that certain symptoms will flare?
i will book an appointment with my PCP - but not expecting much help from them based on my experience thus far - and any insight would be very much appreciated