Posted 3/25/2021 9:08 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Folks,
I may be dealing with more mold/lyme problems after 3 or 4 years of remission. I'm trying to figure out where to start again this time.....
Background - Previously, I had about 8 years of lyme/mold problems. Tick bite, lyme symptoms, I tried IV abx, oral abx, diets, Rife, IFR sauna, oxygen, ozone. I FINALLY got better after a clean (no mold) housing move and months of CSM, fish oil, and Equilib supplement capsules recommended by my favorite Lyme/mold Dr. Ack**ley in Tucson. After that I was healthy for about 3 years.
Then, about two years ago now, 3 things all happened in less than a week's time:
1) Something dramatically changed in my thinking. It wasn't like depression (I would know!) but it was a big loss of motivation, executive ability, and some mild confusion and poor memory. I had to quit work then. I haven't worked since.
2) COMPLETE loss of appetite. That persisted for about a year, and is maybe 50% recovered at this point.
3) Almost complete loss of libido. (I know that as men age, their libido usually decreases. However, this was dramatic and extremely quick) This hasn't improved at all since then.
At the time, I guessed that this was ultimately lyme/mold related, although the more recent symptoms were different this time (especially the appetite loss and libido). I found a recommended "LLMD" here in Atlanta and consulted with her. She started me on a general probiotic/nutrition plan, prescribed a small amount of CSM and sent me for a bunch of bloodwork (although a lyme test wasn't ordered). ALL of the extensive testing results were fine, EXCEPT my C4A inflammation marker was 12,000 (4 times the higher limit of the normal range!) I'm hearing that it could have been a "false positive" if the test wasn't processed exactly like it needs to be....It was done in Denver by National Jewish labs. I'm just not sure if it was processed here properly here before it went to them.... Also, FWIW, my C3A was at the very bottom of the normal range. (If you have other results questions, I still have the extensive lab results)
Disappointingly, my LLMD didn't seem to know or care about the significance of this result. I quickly lost any faith in her "expertise" and quit seeing her. This all happened about 1 1/2 years ago. Since then I saw a neurologist, an endocrinologist, a psychiatrist, and tried all types of anti-depressants, etc., none of which helped at all, not surprisingly. For a while I just completely gave up on figuring this out. The symptoms, aside from a mild improvement in appetite, haven't basically changed at all since then.
But now I am trying to get going again on trying to sort this stuff out, and I'm guessing I really need to pursue the lyme/mold avenue. Recently, I took another VCS test and passed just fine, which seems to imply that mold might not be an issue currently. I have taken these tests in the past and they have indicated mold issues, but that was a long time ago. This new VCS result, combined with the different symptoms, makes me suspect lyme more than mold at this point. I don't feel I have the tenacity, and certainly any money like I did before, so I really need to be as smart as I can to get this sorted out as quick as I can. Hopefully my lengthy past experiences will help now. I might need a CD57, a PROPERLY DONE C4A test, etc. Maybe I can try ILADS for another LLMD hopefully somewhere near Atlanta. I am also considering finding someone to prescribe a good amount of CSM for a while to see if that might help.
Does anybody here have any informed thoughts on the situation from what I've described? I'm largely interested in the implications of the very high C4A level. For that matter, I'm wondering what other medical conditions I might want to rule out too.