Posted 4/22/2021 8:34 AM (GMT -5)
So good to hear from you, Blakeleysmom, although of course I wish it were with a happier update!
Honestly, my clients did not have those experiences typically, but it's not unheard of. EMDR tends to be superior to other forms of therapy for trauma because it does not normally induce an uptick in flashbacks, nightmares, intrusive thoughts, etc. This hard part should pass relatively quickly, more quickly than with other types of therapy for trauma. I am not an expert by any means, but I don't think the audio versus visual version would make a difference in her response. If she wants to hit pause and focus on coping skills for anxiety, then I hope she feels comfortable asking her therapist to pivot back to that instead. I would ask if more frequent sessions and/or audio tracks to listen to between sessions might help the process move more quickly and make her feel more supported.
Has she liked the therapist in general, thus far? I'm really glad that the therapist has been responsive and emphasized ways to empower Blakeley in those tough anxiety moments. Tapping has not caused anyone flashbacks or anxiety, to my knowledge! I love tapping for chilling out the nervous system.
Also, to be clear, I have not administered EMDR therapy myself, just sent clients to those who do specialize in EMDR and monitored their progress. My child used EMDR (audio only, which her therapist said is more common with children) when I first got sick because her anxiety was so high she stopped eating. She was 6yo. We found it helpful. I think seeing a therapist in general was helpful to her, just having an adult outside of the family validate her feelings. Just wanted to share what my personal experience with EMDR is: it was helpful for my child and very helpful for my trauma clients, but I have not trained in it myself.
Finally, I'm so sorry that this challenge has been added to your family's plate. I know how terribly disappointing it is when something that's supposed to help does the opposite! Even if temporarily.