Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum. I heard that there were a lot of folks from Canada on here
Hope it's okay to share my story - I do have a general question for the group down below in the final paragraphs if you want to skip over the history!
I've been sick since I was about
8 years old. I have a weak-positive lyme test from Armin labs, and while it's certainly plausible after spending my summers in the forest on gulf islands, my main suspicion has been possible bartonella (in addition to lyme or maybe even on its own). When I first got sick I'm certain I had something similar to PANS/PANDAS - high anxiety, depression, OCD pretty suddenly that was resistant to antidepressants. I think this was after shortly after introducing two new cats too (who never scratched but of course kittens have little sharp claws). Anyway, I've had tons of other animal/vector exposure, joint pain, sore throats all the time, foot pain in the mornings, sudden weight gain, and I recall getting stretch marks in the absence of weight gain a little later on too. I did have a period of a few years where my symptoms abated after I quit eating gluten and a few other things, so that might have helped my body get back to homeostasis. The foot pain and stretch marks disappeared during that time, which is unusual for normal stretch marks. They didn't fade to white, there is literally no trace.
Now however, I've been disabled with pain and sickness for the past two years, and had symptoms creeping back in for about
4. I do think I might have lived in a moldy place because combined with a round of antibiotics for another issue, I suddenly got what I now know to be terrible MCAS symptoms. I've had flushing, GI distress, and skin issues in the past, but I actually think I went in to anaphylaxis a couple times. Allergist said nothing is wrong. Moved away, got marginally better (no more scary symptoms) and then a couple years later everything came crashing down with the left side of my body going suddenly weak/numb/tingly, red eyes, double vision, joints clicking/pain, swollen tongue, neck pain, brain fog, muscle twitches, just generally feeling like I'm possessed. I thought I must have had a parasite before I knew anything about
lyme, mcas, etc. I have an increased ANA, but no ENA's and not enough for any diagnosis other than UCTD which I think is code for "we don't know."
Anyway, it's a lot more complicated but those are the highlights. So after my doctor finally ruled out anything she felt she could, she told me to go to an integrative doc and/or a naturopath (I'm very lucky to have had a doctor willing to admit that and not tell me I'm crazy). I spend hours researching and reading anything I can to try and understand, as I'm sure most of you do too. Right now, what I have come to realize is really, how MCAS could be responsible for most symptoms. We know bartonella has a particular connection with MCAS, and looking at symptom lists...they're all the same, really. Except maybe the foot pain. Which I have now started to get again, though it is very mild.
So, I guess my main reason for posting is that I have been worrying that maybe my main issue is really MCAS and has been all along and I don't have a pathogen - but I also understand MCAS to be a secondary problem, usually from the immune system going out of whack because of an underlying issue. Maybe that's the point - many of us are getting MCAS symptoms because it's our host response to the pathogens instead of the actual pathogen symptoms?
I'm terrified that I'm going to feel like garbage for the rest of my life, and am losing my will to live if I'm being honest. I've been battling for people to see the sickness I was experiencing for years just to be told I'm crazy. Maybe someone can tell me that there is hope to calming down the MCAS? I was never allergic to anything as a child, very healthy before age 7/8, no EDS either, so I really don't think I'm one of those people who just has it as the primary issue without underlying provocation. Whilst I think I might certainly be prone to having my mast cells overreact (like probably anyone who has rosacea as a family trait is) I am keeping myself hopeful that there is probably something driving the inflammation and madness of the mast cells. But I am kind of losing faith, hence I suppose why I'm looking for community support.
Anyway that was a lot. Thanks to anyone who reads
PS I'm treating with Dr. D in BC...if anyone knows who I'm talking about
and is also a patient.