Hi, Szabo!
Sorry you’re having trouble. Sure, you could see a doctor to verify what is going on, but I wouldn’t want a steroid shot, which seems to be the standard doctor response. Never hurts to eliminate any important things like cancer, tumors, broken or chipped bones, or other structural issues, even tests or imaging that could uncover deterioration that you’re not aware of.
Are you still taking any maintenance herbs for Lyme/bartonella? If not, you might want to take Japanese knotweed, houttuynia, and maybe a little cat’s claw. Did you ever use l-arginine for bartonella? I think it was sandyfeet who did well with that. I couldn’t try it because I am very prone to shingles virus.
Do you take anything for collagen support?
Here’s a nice article explaining the difference between bursitis and tendonitis.
https:// https://www.verywellhealth.com/how-are-tendonitis-and-bursitis-different-2549836I did physical therapy recently for my shoulders, and it definitely helped. The doctor did xrays and said no sign of arthritis, but I still don’t know exactly what I have, as no one told me.
Post Edited (WalkingbyFaith) : 4/30/2021 1:30:36 PM (GMT-6)