saraeli said...
I took burbur-pinella from Nutramedix for a couple of years. I always start things with one drop per day. At first, it gave me a headache, but only for the first couple of weeks. After I slowly increased to full doses, I can't say I noticed a difference in how I felt. I learned later that I was more often experiencing MCAS reactions and not herxes, or sometimes both, so perhaps that's why it wasn't noticeably beneficial for me. It seems to be a great detox formula for the nervous system and lymphatic system, which I think a lot of us need. Jernigan Neuro-Antitox worked slightly better for me as a nervous system remedy. A lot of people do seem to swear by burbur-pinella, though, so maybe it will be very helpful for you!
Thanks for replying, what did you use and how did you treat your mcas? I need something more for nervous system , just got it to try it but was scared of the herx or mac that's been happening when I try new herbs. Do mcas make you feel that you suddenly cant breath or panic like an allergic reaction or?