Really long post about
my illness:
I've been sick and miserable for over the past
8 years, I still do not even know the exact illness(s) that I am sick with, the doctors I went to were not able to diagnose me and I'm not quite sure myself, but posting it here since the symptoms are very similar to lyme and it's co infections, but it's likely a different but similar illness. I don't think lyme usually causes a constant headache like this from what I've read, at least not by itself. Initially when I got sick I thought it
was a flu or a really bad sinus infection at first, what I thought was a flu
or a bad sinus infection lasted for about
2 weeks, after my immune system stopped
reacting so much to it the symptoms still remain.
When I had gotten sick I had about
12 mosquito bites
on me so it's possible it could be a mosquito born
illness, I might have also been bitten by a tick, I sort of think I did
but I'm not sure since if I had a tick bite
I might have just thought it was a mosquito bite.
When I got sick I was outside in the garden pretty much every day.
At first, for the first month or so I hadn't taken any antibiotics or anything
for it since I thought it would just go away by
itself. Then I took Bactrim for a month, which didn't seem to help at all and
also had bad side effects like really bad abysmal air hunger as the worst one.
At first, when I took sudafed, it seemed to get rid of 99% of the pain at first,
but that only worked for a short time and it stopped helping after a week or so,
and doesn't get rid of any of it at all when I take it nowadays.
After a while I had tests done like an MRI
scan and a sinus scan which didn't reveal anything.
I had gone to the doctor to get allergy shots
since I thought it might have been allergy related
at one point, those didn't help and made my headache
temporarily much worse after being injected each time.
At one point I had taken prednisone for a week
which just made me feel sicker and didn't help
with the headache and it seemed to have made it slightly worse.
I also took doxycycline for about
half a year and didn't notice any improvement from it.
I was also taking cat's claw and japanese knotweed at the same time, though not large amounts.
I also have noticed odd scratch marks and/ or indent marks on my body which appear every now and then,
the scratch marks literally look like a cat scratch even though that isn't possible.
I don't recall whether I had any marks on my body when I got sick initially, apart
from tons of bug bites, if I had other marks I may have confused them with bug bites.
Symptoms: The worst symptom is a constant headache
that never goes away, not even for a second for the
past 8 years. Sometimes it's more painful then
others but it never goes away completely, even
when taking pain relievers. Also, if I take something to numb the pain,
it results in a "rebound headache" the day after, the more I numb
it, the worse it gets the day after. Even orgasming causes this rebound head pain,
especially if I do it more than once in a single day.
Other side effects include heart beat beating more aggressively then
normal and sometimes off, getting exhausted
more easily, before I was sick I exercised every
day for about
half an hour, now I can hardly
do it for 5 minutes without being exhausted for
the rest of the day, joints are sometimes painful,
brain fog and dizzyness sometimes, sex drive lowered
a lot compared to normal. I've been taking
antibiotics and other herbal supplements to try
to fight it off for a while now but haven't gotten
rid of it. I was thinking maybe I should try a stronger antibiotic, but some of
those can have bad potential side effects, though I'm pretty desperate at the moment.
I'm completely disabled, live with my parents who take care of me, and can barely function anymore.
I feel extremely disconnected from the world now.
I have other things I could post about
it too but can't remember
everything off the top of my head, I did write a lot of it down somewhere,
I even made a log where I typed all the things I've taken
in the past 8 years. Here is a list of symptoms:
Symptoms/ Side effects:
Sore neck (sometimes)
worse breathing (especially when taking some abx like Bactrim)
achy joints
body gets sore very easily, and I run out of energy very quickly even when doing moderate things,
physically and mentally
can't exercise well due to fatigue and worse breathing and lightheaded
constant headache that never goes away even for a single second of any day
(this can not be understated as by far the worst side effect, which ruined
my enjoyment of life for the past 8 years. It literally NEVER HAS GONE AWAY
lowered sex drive
ear ringing (sometimes, mostly from antibiotics)
irregular heartbeat
heart rate always faster then it should be normally
occasional eye twitching
occasional jaw pain/ tooth pain
sinusitus (I guess, using a neti pot would sometimes help relieve some pressure but not get rid of head pain)
nausea (especially when taking abx)
air hunger (mostly from abx)
Inability to enjoy previously enjoyed activities
occasional eye pain
poor breathing after moving semi- heavy items
Early on, experience a flu like illness, not feeling well since
rashes, probably from ecsema
Rebound head pain after numbing pain the day before
Scratch marks and odd indent pressure marks on body that sometimes appear every now
and then, but are not constantly there
A disconnected with the world ( Depersonalization / Derealization) type feeling which mostly happened in the past 2 years,
I barely feel "there" anymore. I think taking too many herbal supplements at one point
when I increased the dosage for a few months may have caused this, since it wasn't a real problem before I did that.
Although if I take a break from taking herbals and abx for a few days I don't notice any improvement
and feel sicker if I don't take anything.
Sugar and too many carbs causes my head to "flare up", well it's basically a pressure
feeling that makes it more intense temporarily while eating, if I eat food that has
no carbs (like tablespoons of coconut oil as a breakfast) it doesn't do this. Though
doing an extreme detox diet like that is hard to tolerate and makes my headache worse along with other problems)
Things I've tried to try to get rid of it:
Raw garlic
oregano oil
painkillers of different types (muscle relaxers in particular cause extreme rebound head pain the day after I take them)
collodial silver
Coconut oil
sida acuta
cat's claw
Japanese knotweed
Amor seco
and some others...
Sorry about
the extremely long post, I really needed to get all that off my chest. I tried to be comprehensive but I am probably forgetting some things. Any comments are welcome!
Post Edited (ConstantHeadache) : 7/25/2021 2:55:27 AM (GMT-6)