Posted 7/27/2021 5:00 PM (GMT -5)
Hello everyone,
first can I just say thanks for being a safe place for me. when literally all else fails I come here because I know i won’t be shut down.
my dr seems so focused on diet as the answer. he turned down my request to re-treat lyme or babesia at this time. if you remember my last post, I haven’t had any abx or antimicrobials for 1 year 3 months. I was doing rlly good. but it seemed to resurface once I started weaning my baby. it started with bad tremors, which he said were hormonal/adrenal. he probably was right becuSe by increasing my adrenals support supplements they went away. i am concerned being on adrenal cortex and herbs and licorice long term and what it can do. i’ve been on them for YEARS now.
but now i’m having pots fairly moderately, enough to be debilitating to a mamas job of taking care of baby/making all my own allergy free food. HR around 85 ish while sitting - soon as I stand up it’s 120+ and if I force myself to breathe rlly focused, and stay standing, eventually it comes down to around 105 but no lower. this of course makes me super dizzy and out of breath. chasing a wild child around the house becomes like a marathon. Walking it’s even higher which is when I start to see spots and my ears ring and the room starts spinning. sometimes I just give up and me and baby fall asleep together in bed (thankfully).
i’m beginning to get rlly depressed feelings, haven’t had these in SO’s worrying me. I have an underlying intuition I need to treat lyme again, my dr says no way cuz i’ll herx and then it’ll just make me temporarily worse (true, but I feel not facing the root issue).
he encourages me to detox AMAP and it’s virtually impossible for me to always do enemas, castor oil packs, detox baths, etc with a crawling baby and with so much fatigue /POTS. He also wants me to eat basically AIP/GAPS and I do most of the time but some days I have no more energy to cook. I do always keep broth going and can easily make instant pot soups. my hubby gets tired of those tho, understandably.
i’m sorry if this seems like i’m complaining, I need answers, I feel like i’ve hit a wall and i’m sad that i’m supposedly relapsing.
I do notice my POTS seems worse with severe barometric pressure shifts, the spikes in the schumann resonance and around certain times in my cycle.
literally any comments will be appreciated, i’ll take any ideas at this point. here’s what i’m doing:
•licorice root solid (liquid) 1/4 tsp 3x day
•A-drenal 4 a day
•tried (per dr) asian ginseng but seems to lower my BP - 3 1/2tsp a day. asking to temp stop it
•magnesium, NAC, Ortho-Bone, Phosphatydlserine, zinc, Liposomal Vit C, Fish oil, Alterative tea (adrenal supporting herbs), B complex multiple times a day
probably forgetting something
my schedule for sleep ends up being:
•crash at 7 PM and can sleep for a good 2 hours if I can be at home to be in bed
• second wind at 10 PM
•finally fall asleep around 1 AM
•very disrupted sleep with baby/ hubby sleep talks. wake up around 6:30 most days, some days can sleep in til 7:30
•crash at noon and nap for one or two hours.
•second wind around 5 PM
also the other symptom that came back rlly bad is the floaters, and peripheral “hallucinations”. if you know you know