Hi all
I'm new to this forum, and also "new" to LD (though I suspect I've been infected for many years, maybe a decade or more). Going to introduce myself, and then I have a few questions about
IgeneX testing and preparing for it at the end of the post.
I live in Chicago and I've been working in environmental restoration for about
5 years. I recently quit my job because of the onslaught of symptoms that are interferring with my ability to function at work (well, everywhere), and the constant tick exposure. I have been bitten by more ticks that I could ever count; some were removed correctly and quickly; others I did not find for several days. I've found four species of all life stages crawling around, or attached to me at some point. I remember my dad burning them off with matches when I was a kid (I now know this is so dangerous!). I'm 29 and I've spent most of my free time outdoors, since I was small. My weird hobbies include taxidermy, mycology, herpetology - with all the ticks, the wild animals (dead and alive), the fungi, and working in areas of extreme heavy metal contamination... [inserts Ralph's "I'm in danger" meme here lol]
I have been having head-to-toe issues for years, but only recently have I started to look into LD testing. I have maybe avoided it all this time because I know how elusive LD can be, and that testing is inconclusive and often inaccurate. And, moreso, I know that treatment is complicated - I didn't want to face that diagnosis. Until recently, no MD has taken any of my physical complaints seriously. Debilitating pain in my upper back and neck has been coming and going for a decade. Some days, I wake up and I can hardly move. Now it's all my joints; the newest problems being my hips and elbows. I can hardly sleep this week because my feet hurt so bad. I have been diagnosed with many psychiatric problems (anxiety, depression, bipolar), but these diagnoses have never seemed right or without a deeper cause (and psychiatric treatments alone are ineffective). I have cognitive and neurologic issues that have been spiraling in the last 2-3 years. I feel like I'm genuinly losing my mind, like it's melting away right in my skull. When I read through more comprehensive lists of LD symtoms, I can easily check off 20-30 things, from every body system. On July 23, I had what I believe was a TIA stroke and was rushed to the ER. The attending resident told me I was having "anxiety and a headache"... I've been following up with a neurologist who's ordered MRIs for this Tuesday - anxiety and a headache doesn't make you forget your name or address, turn your arm numb, or cause you to not recognize your boyfriend when he arrives at the ER. But, I am from all outward appearances, a healthy and physically fit 29 year old with no serious medical history. I'm now finding peer-reviewed research about
LD affecting your cerebrovascular system, and the more I read about
long-term affects of LD, the more I feel like I'm reading about
myself and what has been happening to me slowly but steadily for so many years.
So! I had the standard two-tier test done for the first time in May. I requested it at an urgent care clinic, when I went for unexplicable and severe pain in my jaw for several days in a row. They said it was probably TMJ and that I should take some muscle relaxers. The ELISA came back negative, so of course they did not proceed to western blot. I wasn't convinced, so I had western blot done elsewhere. The 58 band was the only reactive band. I have since seen a rheumatologist who has ordered additional LD testing. I haven't gotten results back yet, and I'm not sure what test he ordered. I follow up with him this week, as well as the neurologist and the MRIs.
I want IgeneX testing done, but they offer so many testing panels. Which panel is generally recommended for LD and associated infections - baseline, for poor boys on a budget? I just lost my insurance along with losing my job recently. I found a LLMD in Chicago who I have not yet seen, but I am working on getting new insurance coverage that he accepts. I have also seen some mention of "prepping" for LD testing with abx and herbs. I haven't been able to find an example or explanation for this. Does anyone have a resource for this?