The Dude Abides said...
Has anyone heard of "Brownian Motion" or "Brownian Movement," when it comes to air filtration?
What Is PM0.3 and Why Is It Important?
This may not be relevant to mold, but it's something I recently found on the topic of air filtration and though I'd share.
Yes. Brownian Motion is something that mold remediators must understand to be successful in remediation. I don’t know if many of them do. It’s the biggest downfall of remediation.
Mycotoxins (mold toxins) are categorized as nano particles. They are not captured by HEPA filtration. They bounce around in the air and settle on surfaces and possessions and are very difficult to remove. The CIRS folks use a product called Aerosolver, which is designed to clean the air and capture these small particles and following a protocol to capture and remove them. It works pretty well on particles in the air.
This is why an air purifier won’t do much if there’s mold contamination in the environment. As long as toxin producing mold is in the environment, it can produce mycotoxins, which are not captured by HEPA filters.