the majority of the research i did on infrared saunas pointed towards near infrared being the preferred type for health benefits
the names are references to the wavelength of the light emitted
which pretty much correspond to the light sources used - incandescent bulbs, heat mats, etc
near infra red are nearest to visible wavelengths
far infrared are furthest from visible wavelengths
it turns out NASA funded a good deal of the original research into this stuff - and there is some real science behind some of the benefits - but from memory they did most of their research with Laser diodes etc so they could control the light frequencies.
one thing that surprised me is that they demonstrated that there are receptors on our cells that react directly to infrared light - was entirely new to me.
this site that sells high end boutique style products has some interesting pages on the scientific studies - but since there is an industry around it i am sure you will also find other manufacturers who use alternative light sources quoting papers to support their marketing claims also. - well they used to - site has been re-written and most of the links are now gone
here is a site that reviews the different types and gives links to studies with everything in the health world - absolute truth does not exist - we simply have to make our own view of the claims and counter claims by reviewing both side of the argument in as balanced a manner as you can manage
my view is 90% of it comes down to the light source - the rest is largely fluff, marketing and window dressing - i found the real science studies done by NASA and the clear evidence that Near infra red penetrates the body far more the most compelling.
btw - i made a sauna space sauna copy - using the same bulbs - for around £150 all in