Posted Yesterday 9:17 PM (GMT -5)
Hello all,
I have researched Lyme Disease, Bartonella, and CFS for many years via a plethora of resources. I have always suspected I suffer from Bartonella as I have catch scratch like marks on my skin and respond well to intracellular antibiotics.
Through the course of my research on Bartonella, I came across studies and anecdotes that L-Arginine is very good for treating Bart. I decided to supplement with L-Arginine at around 2000-3000mg per day. about 5 days into this new supplement regimen, I began to experience flu-like symptoms and also had swelling and itching on the inner side of my middle finger.
It seemed highly coincidental that I just happened to take L-Arginine and develop these symptoms after not feeling so sick in years (extreme fatigue, sleeping for 3-days straight, extreme brain fog, extreme depression, etc...).
So my question to those on the forum. What viruses might have been feeding off of L-Arginine? Could this experiment have potentially tipped me off to a potential cause of my underlying chronic illness? Does any one have any anti-virals they recommend I take? Could giving Ivermectin a trial run make sense?
I have since stopped L-Arginine and slowly I am recovering from whatever happened to me. However, this is all very distressing to me as I have not felt this ill in years. I was bedridden for about 3-days straight and I am just now coming out of it (slowly). Granted, with COVID and all the variants circulating around, it is hard to know if perhaps I caught that, however all of this seems highly coincidental with starting L-Arginine.