Dahlias said...
I’m wondering this too. My family did fine with the mRNA, but I had scary reactions / flares and still have neuropathy from the second one. Won’t be getting any more unless something convinces me that the new one will be safer for me.
I hope you’ve been well, Girlie. Long time no “see.”
Yes! It’s been a long time!!
I am doing quite well now - back in the working world.
I’m on Dr J’s “maintenance “ protocol… basically taking abx a few days a month.
Majority of my Lyme and CO’s symptoms are gone.
Have a couple lingering … hoping they will eventually resolve too.
I really didn’t want the vax. I was worried that it would bring my Lyme symptoms back. I held out as long as I could - but would have lost my job if I didn’t take the jab.
So I caved.
I have had the two shots.
I really don’t want the booster.
Sorry to hear you have some
Neuropathy from the vax.
I hate the nerve symptoms the most. ( burning, vibrating, numbness.. etc)