Bailey said...
I’m not sure it’s Lyme in the video, but I’m not sure I buy Brownian motion either since it’s on a slide not inside someone. The motion doesn’t look like just floating around randomly Garzie this should be a link to the video
thanks for the link - that video is actually a perfect example of what Brownian motion looks like under the microscope
for info - Brownian motion exists in all fluids ( liquid or gas ) however large or small the volume and wherever they are located (unless perhaps they are at zero absolute temperature - eg -273 deg Celsius)
note the path of a random particle in the simulation on the right as an example of how much like living movement this can look the video in the original link - notice how all particles in the liquid move in the same randomly buffeted way as the long thread like things, ie as if they were being bumped into by many tiny things that we cannot see - which is exactly what is happening.
also note that real free living spirochetes move with a distinctive rotating corkscrew type motion and are capable of crossing that field of view very quickly - eg in around 1 second driven by flagella at one end - whereas nothing in that video is moving with this distinctive action.
as an example- this is what live borrelia look like in darkfield microscopy note - its actually hard to find legitimate examples of borrelia because there is so much ill-informed nonsense posted on the internet by people who know only a little - and as is often the case - are confident they know more than they do )
also think about
it - PCR is sensitive enough to pick up 1 organism in around 1ml of blood - so if you really did have several spirochetes per field of view on a 1000x slide - lets do the quick math
-1 drop of blood spread on a slide is enough for 1200-2000 fields of view -
- and there are 20-40 drops of blood per ml -
- so even if there were just one spirochete per field of view - and we use the lower of these numbers
- that's still 1x1200x20 = minimum 20,000 spirochetes per ml!!!
- at that level PCR would be a breeze and 100% sensitive
but in the real world this does not happen - and its not used for Lyme in blood - because its doesn't work well ( has low sensitivity) - because in reality borrelia are rarely in the blood
( it does work much better for borrelia in tissues - as that where the live)
in the end people will always believe what they want to believe(or sometimes what they are most fearful of can become the same thing) - but i would certainly advise reading the articles on proper analysis via PCR of these type of artefacts in darkfield microscopy of blood, they present compelling evidence that they are in fact made of host tissues, at least before before forming an opinion.
i think the fact that people with this disease are so desperate for a diagnosis, in order to find their way out - that they latch on to any sign that they might have found the answer ( i have done this myself )
along with the host of semi-qualified practitioners wanting to demonstrate they can diagnose and treat patients who are in need, has contributed to this false belief persisting for so long, despite so much evidence to the contrary.
Post Edited (Garzie) : 3/13/2022 5:19:06 AM (GMT-6)