running wild said...
Being on this site for many years now, I have never found a moderator, who volunteers, to be the type to look down on people. As some have said, there are rules that they enforce. Anytime I am in a situation where I find it uncomfortable, I find a different place to go. Not suggesting anyone do that, but that is how I handle things.
I've written this many times, but this site has helped me keep what little sanity I have left. Offensive is sometimes blatant and sometimes how we personally perceive what was written or meant. I rarely have seen offensive on t his site, but have seen a tremendous amount of compassion and help. Much of that is from the moderators themselves.
Lyme has made me see how small many things are in comparison to what I'm dealing with. If someone is offensive to me, it bounces off like it never happened because it doesn't matter in my life. I'm not a victim and will not let anyone try to make me one. Everyone's help on here is appreciated, and the moderators I've come in contact with are to be commended in my world.
good post RW