bro123 said...
Does the fact that I was treating before Dr J for about a year shorten the duration I will need to be on Dr J protocol.? I would imagine that it should be compared to someone who's just starting to treat. I watched one of his seminars and he said his treatment takes 12 to 15 months.
It will likely be the same or close to it - as far as I know he treats everyone for all the three B’s - which will likely take a year-ish.
Some people aren’t on the stabilization protocols for long - and that can shorten it by a few months.
Even if you treated prior - he will likely have you do the three B’s.
I was on Babs meds first, then Bartonella while treating Lyme throughout.
Approx 1 year.
Then to maintenance.
But it can vary - a friend of mine was treating for over a year and relapsed - hadn’t even made it to maintenance - he started her all over again.