Yes he does. I admit it is hard to keep going. Currently it is mino (MWF) and MB (MTWThF) 2 weeks on 1 off . My problem I am having is that i did this for a few months and all my yeast symptoms came back. I had to take a break. Unfortunately I am finding that my body really likes not being on abx despite my cognitive symptom which is the one he is trying to solve.
I had covid and he put me on 7-10 consecutive days of mino and I could barely finish 7. My body is just done.
I am experimenting. Started the MB back last week. This week I will add mino. I will see if my cognitive improves.
I put my hand in the garbage disposal and turned it on - that is when I thought "maybe I should try mino again
. I am happy to report that whatever safety changes that were made to garbage disposals for people like me worked!