running wild,
I think that dcd2103 and Garzie nailed it in their responses and the only thing not addressed yet is whether or not you've stayed on binders. Detox is a must, for life. You said that you're 'not treating' and yet LDN is a treatment and is both stimulating your immune system and likely causing die off. A dose of <1mg daily may be too high for a sensitive constitution and without binders, it's pure misery for some.
I tend to follow Dr K and he advises that in a herx, one should not stop treatment altogether, because of the rapid recycling of all but Lyme (cycles every 28 hrs) but to drop down to 1/10 of current dose until things calm down and then increase back up to prior comfort zone and stay there until stable enough to push harder or to switch things up due to the ever-evolving symptomology.
LDN seems to be a mixed bag for many and it may not be the right treatment for you. We mere humans are up against these wily organisms, some of whom have been around for millions of years; we have such a maze to work our way through and have to keep track of what works and what doesn't.
I feel your pain with the all too common dizziness as I've experienced that array of Sx so severely that I was Dx'd with Meniere's Disease - caused by or exacerbated by Lyme and cos. - and am still treated for the sequelae of Sx, also had surgery for it.
We can suffer such a wide range of symptoms with these microbes that we can search and scramble for years to find what works. Have you considered vagal nerve dysfunction and/or adrenal tanking as part of your complex? Are you stable on good minerals like Fulvic/Humic (we use CellCore); they can be stripped by using clay and charcoal binders and need to be replaced. Probiotics? I've found DesBio spore-based to be the best and curative in and of themselves.
After decades of living with Lyme and cos, I wasn't truly taken down until nearing my 60s and now at 65, I'm again using a limited number of herbs in a lipo form to treat BB, Bart, Bab, EBV, and the array of retro viruses that are part of this infection complex. I've found that a fairly clean and varied diet (not exclusionary, I don't test as sensitive) solid multivitas, zinc, and a few others, along with solid mineral balance and a few select herbs (many that I harvest and tincture) as a tea and others in a home-made tincture, lipo form are all that my family and I need to keep the infections from hampering our health and vitality. I was previously bed-bound for a couple years and after chasing my tail with too many herbs and suppls, have found that using a select few is best for me. I also treat for paras, do liver supports, treat with Biocidin for Candida and molds, do periodic GB/liver flushes, and keep binders on board. My go-to is chlorella in does of 3-7 grams, 1-3 xs daily. I also use red root tinc for lymph support, it aids the lymph in clearing cellular debris. And I promote glial lymphatic flow for brain detox; much is found to aid this in Ayurvedic Medicine. I also keep a few key Homeopathics around for use in crises.
One OTC med you can use to calm the inner ear is Meclizine (the drug in non-drowsy Dramamine); you can buy or order in 12.5 mg, 100 tab bottles from any pharm for about
15 US. Does cause drowsiness, but I've used up 50 mg 2-3 xs daily for N/V, dizziness, tinnitus. Go slow when starting.
I hope you find your balance and your path to healing.
Post Edited (Luta2022) : 8/9/2022 6:04:20 PM (GMT-7)