running wild said...
The big question is just that - are infections making Sjogrens worse, or is Sjogrens doing its own thing.
please don't take offence RW - but I am struggling to figure out why this is such a big question in your mind.
Lyme and all intracellular infections cause auto-immunity of many different sorts - probably all other biofilm forming chronic infections do too.
you have this type of infection - so surely this makes it highly likely that the infections are driving the auto-immune processes - no?
just trying to help simplify things
as, if as you say, you are prone to digging a hole for yourself - this can become a never ending spiral of back and forth and worry.
better to opt for one side or another and move on - a bit like Girlies example - considered the evidence - then chose a position to believe - then went forward on that basis.
wright or wrong - it counteracts endless worry - allows you to make a plan - and its better for ones wellbeing.
hope its of some help
all the best