Racer86 said...
For the past 3 summers (all summers post tick) I have gotten headachy and irritable at the beach. This summer actually was going a lot better until I was struck down with a throbbing pain which has repeated a few times since the beach and really impacts my mood, behavior and energy each time.
While I understand real healing is a long term process, in the near term is there any bandaid relief? Quality of life took a nose dive.
I get some help from kudzu and a supp called migrelief now. These headaches are different than any I have had before pre or post Lyme, including migraines I’ve had in the past.
Imitrex can interrupt the worst of an attack, although I have almost used my entire prescription and can’t get more until I see a neurologist. I suspect a new type of migraine or cluster headache, rather than vasculitis or stroke or anything like that. No confusion or loss of coordination or strength.
Tryptophan seems to increase head tension. So do Lyme herbs, making it difficult to continue treatment. My lymph seems a little sluggish. Bloodwork was mostly normal (HCT and MCHC were tenths outside of normal range). Sed rate and c reactive protein were both normal.
Since I am new here, I will add some background. My worst symptoms have typically revolves around the GI. Severe abdominal pain tracking along the ribs and drastic weight loss were my worst symptoms. When this all started I had few resources and could get no help from doctors. I started self treating with oil of oregano and proteolytic enzymes until I found a naturopath who could help. Assumption at the time was SiBO as I’ve never presented with typical Lyme symptoms. As treatment wore on and some classic sibo treatments backfired, we decided last year to treat as Lyme. Core herbs are:
With hepacaps and lymphagogue formula to help the body’s detox.
Other herbs and supplements rotate in and out per what my body seems to need.
I am mostly functional. I hold a demanding full time job and have a 2 month old baby at home. I am generally fine and continue to improve as long as I maintain a careful diet, don’t rev up doses too quick, and don’t overexert myself. This headache is new, different from how I have herxed in the past, and extremely debilitating.
As soon as I read the word "debilitating " and "different headache than lyme" I thought bartonella. You should definitely get tested through Igenex for bartonella because if ai didn't than I'd still be suffering from debilitating migraines and neck pain and lost my job. I believe the 2 neg doctors test were just negative and doc, even some friends , partners and family I lost because because thought it was all in my head and must not have bart if the tests were neg. I also had 10 negative Lyme tests and negative bartonella and negative rickettsia tests. Once I tested with Igenex, they were all positive. Pls don't get discouraged.