hi Lightlife
i listed the following as the main vegetables i eat - after lots of experiments this is what seems to work best
celery, broccoli spears or purple sprouting, lettuce, asparagus, green olives, mushrooms, carrots in v small quantities - all seem tolerable
fermentable content is largely sugars and starches that your gut bacteria can use as food - which they use to ferment for energy, multiply and create bacterial by products.
this is what they are supposed to do in the colon - but when they do this in the small intestine - which should be home to only comparatively small numbers of bacteria - you get blooming of bacterial growth there - which leads to inflammation, leaky gut etc - and lots of symptoms - both gut and systemic
the general term for such fermentable products are FODMAPS
https://www.monashfodmap.com/about-fodmap-and-ibs/but there may be some individual variation in which carbohydrate sources can be tolerated or reacted to - so individual experimentation is likely needed to optimise keto for each individual
for me all forms of starch cause adverse effects
yep - i feel MUCH better eating this way - its not a cure for Lyme and bart - but a big step forward - and can take a load off your system that enables the body to function better and recovery to start. My partner had even more wild gut issues than me - and was out running 2 miles within days of changing to a Keto Diet - then working part time within 6 months and full time within 12 months - she only did a few weeks of antibiotics( for an ear infection - rather than lyme bart) and some basic Buhner herbs - the Keto was the big thing for her recovery.
i have been eating this way for over 2 years now and am gradually recovering - now at around 60% recovered
i am able to exercise - am gaining weight and strength back - and able to do more each day.
would i prefer to be able to eat anything i wished any time i felt like it - without suffering any ill effects - sure!
but that's not the choice in front of me
the actual choice i have is - do i want to be sicker and be stuck making no progress - or continue eating as i do and move forward?
i simply am sicker if i try to eat what would be a more normal western diet - so its a no brainer.
even with the restrictions i have in my diet - i would guess 90% of the population have a much less nutritious diet than i do.